Lisa Collins Acupuncture in Shrewsbury

07957 897146

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Acupuncture treatment during pregnancy, birth and post-natally can benefit both mother and baby.

As a complementary therapy acupuncture can also address those unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy which can not always be treated by western medicine. These include morning sickness, back and pelvic pain, digestive disorders and headaches as well as general tiredness.

Treatment during pregnancy can enhance the health of a mother-to-be in the preparation for labour, childbirth and motherhood. In the case of breech babies, moxibustion can be effective in turning a baby, the optimum time being between 32 and 35 weeks.

If your baby is overdue acupuncture can be tried as an alternative to medical intervention, once you have gone past your due date and providing that your main healthcare professional supports this approach.

Acupressure during labour can help you to have a more efficient labour and is often used by mid-wives during the labour. This can be extended to offering lessons to a couple prior to labour, so that a birthing partner can assist you (and feel more useful!) during labour and the birth. This is not intended as a replacement for medical pain relief or intervention if required (not all labours go to plan after-all), but is a very useful additional choice for a mother-to-be in labour.

Life after childbirth is very different and can be challenging both emotionally and physically. Post-natally, acupuncture can provide general support in recovery from childbirth as well as treat issues such as exhaustion, mastitis, back pain, haemorrhoids and post-natal depression.